We can talk about your birth chart, or we can process your past together, or we can chart a map for what’s ahead. We can explore the dynamics of why you feel stuck, we can unpack your boxes, and we can look forward to moments of opening and celebration. If you’re a student of astrology, we can also talk shop!

I’m no longer offering sliding scale or supported cost rates for the time being, but I hope to reinstate those at some point in the future. If you’re a student of astrology, you can book a mentorship session with me at 30% off my usual rate. Returning clients can also now book subsequent sessions at a returning client rate of 10% off (using a code you’ll get after our initial session).

All sessions are held online via Zoom and are recorded. If you’re hearing-impaired, you can request closed captioning. If you have another preference for accessibility, please feel free to suggest it to me, either in the intake form or via email at

If you’d like to purchase a reading as a gift for someone, you can either book online below using their birth information or send me the amount of your choosing using the button below. Please allow up to 24 hours to receive your personalized gift coupon code.