Steph Koyfman is the astrologer formerly known as The Daily Hunch. She is an ardent student of archetypes and is a big fan of using language to poke at the layer of metaphor that encapsulates our experiences.

“Cazimi” is a (Latin, by way of Arabic) astrological term that refers to a planet being “in the heart of” the Sun. During a cazimi, we often experience a moment of searing clarity, naked truth, and empowered perception. This is the sort of experience she loves to incite through her work.

She uses a blend of modern and traditional techniques to introduce you to your potential, help you make friends with your hangups, clarify what's going on in your life, and help you plan and envision your next steps.

More about my background

The cool thing about the sky poetry we refer to as astrology is that it creates bridges between the math in the sky and the visceral, archetypal melodramas it describes.

My desire is to make this ancient language and way of knowing more legible to people, to make people more legible to themselves, and to help people form new connections and associations — a new relationship to their stuff — as an antidote to feeling alienated from their experience.

Dreaming is an important part of emotional processing and memory consolidation because it helps your brain form new relationships between memories that don’t have an obvious connection. This is sort of like what I think astrology helps us do. It’s a filter we can apply to ourselves and our lives, or a language we can translate our experiences into, that grounds us in an understanding of cyclical time.

Knowing astrology is a little like knowing the code that brings your user experience to life. You can’t always perceive exactly how it’s going to look from the back end, but you can anticipate the outlines and the shapes, and that’s often all you need to move into the future with intention and a sense of creative agency around how you navigate all that potential.

I don’t consider it my role to tell you what to do or tell you that something definitely will or won’t happen, because there’s not enough humility or empowerment in that. I hope that instead, you get more mileage out of having a little more information to work with, a little more appreciation for your process, and a few new moves you can use to dance artfully with time.


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